I have just completed a virtual workshop with the RPS run by Mark Banks. The theme was high key landscape photography and I decided that I would explore my local wood at Moorlands and see what I could capture.
Friends of York Art Gallery Artist Q&A
I have been recently been asked to take part in a virtual interview for the Friends of York Art Gallery. As the gallery has been closed for a few months the organisers have devised several ways to keep the 800 members of the Friends engaged over this period when face to face activities cannot take place.
Askham Bog - YWT
Askham Bog was under threat from developers, (Barwood), that had applied to build 500 houses on adjoining land. However, the Secretary of State has recently ruled that the development cannot go ahead so the reserve owned and maintained by the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is safe and available for everyone to enjoy.
Frosty Skipwith Common
After a long stretch of boring winter weather the day dawned with some interesting mist and hoar frost on the trees. I spent a while working out which location would provide me with trees that would separate out from the landscape but also provide diminishing layers. Skipwith Common got my vote.
President's Night
As the current President of York Photographic Society I have one evening scheduled for me to give a presentation. Whilst I have given short talks about my photography I've never spoken for an hour and a half about my 'work'.
Street Photography
York Photographic Society have set a challenge to try some photography 'out of your comfort zone' so I have decided to hit the streets with my camera. Those of you that know my work will be aware that I rarely include people and actively avoid them most of the time
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust: Askham Bog
I got on my bicycle and pedalled off to nearby Askham Bog which was given to Francis Terry and Arnold Rowntree and the Yorkshire Naturalists' in 1946. They later became the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust which has a wealth of wonderful nature sites all around the county.
The Flying Scotsman
The Flying Scotsman has been out of view and almost out of mind for 10 years whilst it has undergone an major refurbishment.
York Floods 2015
Storm Eva struck the North of England on Boxing Day and after a day of horror in Lancashire I returned home promptly.
Le Tour de Yorkshire
Having missed the main event last year I was determined to get into York to see the inaugural Tour de Yorkshire.
York at Night - November 4 2014
At this time of year there is plenty going on in York to entice a photographer into York City Centre. Not only is there the Illuminating York Festival during half term week but of course the Gunpowder Plot of York's most dastardly son, Guy Fawkes, is celebrated.
Georges Pieters Belgian Military Victim WW1 - 24 October 2014
Sometimes people contact York Photographic Society asking for help with a specific photographic project.