I recently drove up to a cottage in Nairn so that I could spend a week exploring the coast and woodland along the Moray Firth. I soon discovered that what it lacks in dramatic waves it more than makes up for in variety and I enjoyed a fabulous week.
Jersey Coastline
Finally, I have been allowed to get on a plane and enjoy a holiday! I love Jersey and have definitely missed not being able to visit during the pandemic.
I decided that I would take my tripod and camera to enable me to catch anything of interest on the coastline. Jersey has the third highest tidal range in the world and apparently doubles in size at low tide. I can believe this as there were miles of granite exposed once the water had retreated.
Margate and The Kent Coast
I recently ventured south for a workshop with Alex Hare and Lizzie Shepherd with the aim of exploring new locations and enjoying the company of other photographers.
A wet day at Saltburn
On impulse I decided to investigate weather conditions at Saltburn with a view to wandering around on the beach looking for reflections and shapes in the sand. The runes were very promising with showers forecast and a low tide late morning. This would allow for a a couple of hours on the beach with fish and chips to follow for late lunch.
YPS President's Night Presentation
This week I gave the second, and last, presentation of my photographs as President of YPS. It has been a really enjoyable two years and I have been privileged to be President of such a talented group of photographers. It didn’t take me long to decide upon the topics I wanted to show but actually selecting the photographs and putting them into an order that told a logical story took considerably longer.
An afternoon at Bamburgh
I have just returned from a week’s holiday in Northumberland and as usual I spent my days entirely on the coast. As the week progressed the weather deteriorated but once I was togged up in my waterproofs I still ventured forth onto the beach so that I could watch the waves breaking offshore and on the sand.
President's Night
As the current President of York Photographic Society I have one evening scheduled for me to give a presentation. Whilst I have given short talks about my photography I've never spoken for an hour and a half about my 'work'.
Roker Pier
As President of York Photographic Society I am scheduled to give a presentation of my work to the membership. I decided to base my evening on 'Yorkshire' and 'coastal Photography' and I have been chipping away at the content for a while.
Someone told me about the lovely Roker Pier which features a long curve and as I want to show some piers and lighthouses in my presentation I drove up to Wearside.