Urban Leeds

 A few weeks ago I was involved in a York Photographic Society project called "Urban".  As most of my landscape images wouldn't qualify to fill the brief I set off for Leeds.

Dear Reader, I hope that you appreciate the sacrifice I made to arrive in central Leeds as I always get lost in the gyratory system.  My satnav then adds insult to injury by trying to send me up one way streets or bus roads where I would discover real trouble in the form of the West Yorkshire Constabulary.

I actually paid 2 visits to Leeds.  The first visit was to the dock area around the Armouries and the second was to the shopping area around Trinity.

Looking at the different angles and shapes of the buildings has it's interest but I have to say that architecture isn't something on which I want to spend much time.  The form of hills, rivers and the sea interacting with the rest of the environment is far more satisfying.

However, I did take some photos that I quite like although I seem to have missed all the people that were busy getting on with their days.