Amble Beach

Every year I spend a week in a house in Amble, Northumberland. It is a bit south of the usual Northumberland honeypot locations but there is a wonderful pier walk and beach that overlooks the iconic Coquet Island. As Cresswell and Warkworth beaches are 2 of my favourite places for walking and photography Amble is ideally situated and as my house is right on the shoreline the location is perfect. Other more well known beaches are easily accessible in the car when I want to explore further afield.

Visiting Northumberland in December has many advantages: it is really quiet, the days are short and the light is lovely all day. There were wonderful choppy seas and gentle sunrises and sunsets. I also found time to explore the wonderful rocks that are on the beach just south of Cliff House. They have lots of layers and colours and it was fun looking out for patterns and lines between the rocks and seaweed whilst I was waiting for some interesting light to materialise.

Also visit the Northumberland and the Coastal Photography galleries