I would love to be in the caravan when there is snow but unfortunately there are problems that I haven’t been able to work around to make it a safe and workable option. These include the cost of heating two properties, freezing pipes and slithering about in an automatic 2WD car. My sister tells me to get a car with 4WD which I shall consider when I feel that Biggles is due for a new owner.
However, I have discovered that there is more to winter landscape photography than just snow and ice. The sun is very low in the sky all day which makes for fabulous lighting conditions. Allied with the fact that the storm clouds create dramatic skies and the fact there are a lot more rainbows compensates for the lack of snow.
My last stay in the caravan was just after New Year and I enjoyed some very busy days visiting some of my favourite locations and watching the light dancing across the hills and valleys.