Posts tagged #corbiere lighthouse

Jersey Coastline

Finally, I have been allowed to get on a plane and enjoy a holiday! I love Jersey and have definitely missed not being able to visit during the pandemic.

I decided that I would take my tripod and camera to enable me to catch anything of interest on the coastline. Jersey has the third highest tidal range in the world and apparently doubles in size at low tide. I can believe this as there were miles of granite exposed once the water had retreated.

La Corbiére and Plemont

It is many years since I was on holiday with my family in Jersey and I was far too young to have any taken any photographs to aid my memory. 

Having undertaken quite a lot of research I decided that the most fruitful areas for sunset photography would be La Corbiére Lighthouse in the southwest corner and Plémont beach in the northwest.  These are the two locations for these photographs.